Saturday, August 31, 2019

How Far Do You Agree with Death Penalty Essay

Do you agree or disagree. There is never a reason for death penalty to be used. In some countries, serious criminals such as serial murderers and terrorist bomber hardly escape death sentence. While many complement on such tough justice, others condemn it mainly for religious reasons. It appears to me that those who are against the death penalty have failed to notice the more humane aspects behind this seemingly inhumane charge. My essay will look at those humane aspects as against those to the opposite. First of all, death penalty proves to be an effective ‘kill one to warn all’ approach I law enforcement. Crime rates in China have reportedly been fallen to a certain level since the implementation of death penalty. By nature, whether it has to do with the fear caused by uncertainty of afterlife or not, human beings would be afraid of death. Death sentence, in as sense, is kind of psychological approach to put off the evil flame in mankind. Secondly, some people do deserve this harsh punishment for their wicked act against humanity. A serial murderer who slaughtered dozens of innocent children, a terrorist who launched an attack that killed hundreds—can you figure out a better penalty to resort to for paying the blood these beasts have spilled? Even relatively lighter crime like corruption might result in life long imprisonment, what then, the crime a degree higher like mass murder should be punished with other than ‘an early road to hell’? I just wonder how many people in the world would be willing to spare a terrorist who blasted off 3200 lives in 9.11 attack†¦ Thirdly, death sentence can serve as a means of psychological therapy and mental compensation for the victims and their loved ones. For instance, the Tokyo Trial, which ended up sentencing to death a group of Japanese chief war criminals, is said to provide an efficient psychological relief for those victimized Asian nations during the war. Death sentence, apparently, is not aimed against morals and ethics, it is, on the contrary, put up to preserve humanitarian codes by assuring the security of the society and the safety of each individual as it can intimidate potential criminals. Considering the matter this way, it becomes evident that death penalty is more of help than harm. Be it psychologically or politically beneficial, it contributes to the maintenance of social order. I, therefore, suggest we be for it.

How to Become a Better Student

To become successful in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student is not an easy task. Most would agree that in order to be a good student it takes a great deal of hard work, time and self-discipline. A student who possess these strong characteristics will often times stand out from the rest of their classmates. In order to become a strong student, one must have motivation, positive self-esteem, positive self-talk, commitment and good study habits.It has been said that to get the required performance out of an individual, you just first find what motivates them. There are many ways for a student to become motivated. These include settings goals, creating a dream career, and having good values. If a student makes an effort to try and discover these traits about themselves they will most likely find the motivation they need in their life. Setting goals is the first step a person can take in order to gain the motivation they nee d to become a better student. A goal is something a person is wishing accomplish in their life.There are two types of goals, short term and long term. Short-term goals are usually less than six months. A student should always set short- term goals for themselves in the beginning of a semester so they can work hard for the next couple of months to achieve them. A long-term goal is what a student is strives for in their more distant future, for example a career path. Setting short-term and long-term goals early on in life is positive tool in order for a student to be successful in their future. Another method to gain motivation is to create a dream career.A student attends college with hopes of receiving a degree that will allow them to specialize in a future job market. A student's major should be their passion. If an individual majors in something they despise, they will eventually loose their motivation to perform well in their studies. Striving for a career that you love is a grea t motivation tool that will inspire students to do well in school. Working for a dream career also allows a student to major in something they are passionate about and keeps them motivated throughout their college career.An additional technique to expand student's motivation is by having good values. A value is a principle that an individual considers important. Students must realize what things in life are of high importance and which things are not. For example a student's schoolwork should come first and fun should be performed second. If a student considers having fun more important than their schoolwork, then their motivation will be severely lost. In order to balance motivation an individual must set good values for himself or herself to become stronger student.Students not only need to remain motivated but also need to have high amounts of positive self-esteem to stay on top of their studies. Positive self-esteem is defined as â€Å"belief in oneself. † It is also a st udent's awareness that he or she is a person of Roth or values simply because he or she is a human being. If students constantly tell themselves that they are not worthy and gives up hope on their studies, they will deteriorate their ability to be a good student. If an individual feels as if they have lost their self-esteem, there are many ways for them to gain it back.To raise self-esteem a student can, pay close attention to their needs, take care of themselves, carry out positive self-talk, and perform in activities that make will make them feel good about themselves. Students that act upon these activities daily will maintain high self-esteem in their lives. It is important to maintain high levels of positive self-esteem because students should not only do well in the classes they are taking, but also feel good about themselves while doing so. Paying attention to one's own wants and needs is a good first step to take when attempting to gain self-esteem.A good student should alwa ys be listening to what their bodies, mind, and heart are telling them. For example, if an individual has been studying for a long period of time, their body is probably telling them to stand up and take a break. People's heart speak to them about for instances the individuals in heir life who they long to spend more time with. If a student's mind is telling them to clean their room, they should act upon these thoughts, and clean their room. Acting on these bodily instincts are good ways for students to recognize their needs and to retain back positive self-esteem.Students should also heavily focus on their diets. Individuals who make healthy choices with their fitness and diet will find that they feel better about themselves. To keep a strong mind people need to consume the right foods and always make time in their busy schedules for exercise. Completing these simple tasks can boost a dent's self-esteem and make sure they are performing at optimal level. In our society today, more students are daily telling themselves that they are not worthy or not smart enough. These negative thoughts people tell themselves are the number one force that can destroy one's self-esteem.Students should really attempt to use positive self-talk as much as possible. Positive self-talk is defined as any time in which individuals think or talk to themselves in a beneficial manner. Students should start off everyday on a positive note. Simply waking up and starting mornings on a high note can make the day run much more smoothly. Students should not only use positive self-talk in the mornings but should also continue throughout the day. Thinking positive thoughts before a test will in a way make the stress go away and a student will perform better.Positive self-talk is extremely important in a student's everyday routine because it will give them the confidence they need in their school careers. Another method to keep self-esteem high is for students to carry out the activities that th ey perform well in. If a student ever becomes frustrated with their schoolwork, they should always take a break and do the activities they love to bring up their self esteem. When a person performs something they love to do it helps them escape from their stress and worries.These are great tools to use while studying because once an individual finishes these special activities and continues with their schoolwork, they will feel refreshed. To perform well in school a student's self-esteem needs to be high and also their commitment to their studies needs to be a number one priority. Commitment is defined as means to show loyalty, duty, or pledge to someone or something. Staying committed to schoolwork is not an easy task. Students can be distracted by so many efferent outlets today, which make it so easy to break their commitment to their studies.However, these distractions can be avoided by setting out time every day to look over notes from class. Making time everyday for your school work is beneficial because it is keeping the material fresh in your mind and keeps your commitment with school strong. Good study habits follow closely behind a student's commitment. Study habits are extremely important because it is the fuel for a student to perform well on quizzes and tests. A habit is a preference too particular action that you do a certain way on regular basis.Students should get into the habit of committing to a study schedule everyday. They should routinely take breaks and stay healthy in order to stay focused their studies. To keep their schedule in order students should also use a planner. It is difficult to organize tests and schoolwork without a planner. A Student can become easily confused and should incorporate using a planner everyday in their study habits. Overall, carrying out good study habits everyday will pave the road for students to perform well in their schoolwork. In conclusion, becoming a master student takes time and patience.It is not an eas y task to be successful in school but with a lot of hard work it can be accomplished. There are many rewards for becoming a successful student. One of the greatest rewards is graduating from high school, college, or even graduate school. Students must always remember to be successful in school they need to have motivation, positive self-esteem, positive self-talk, commitment and good study habits. If an individual can master using these tools in their everyday routines, they will see the positive results in their schoolwork and in the long run become a stronger student.

Friday, August 30, 2019

028 Develop Positive Relationships with Children

Develop positive relationships with children, young people and others involved in their care. 028 Outcome 1: Be able to develop positive relationships with children and young people. A/C1; Positive relationships with children and young people are important as it has a huge effect on the way we can work with them. When a child is being left into my room in the morning I would go over to greet the child and lift them and make them feel secure. When the child trusts me it helps them to feel comfortable with me, making it easier for them to be separated from their parents.If a child feels emotionally secure they are more likely to participate in play and learning activities unlike a child that sits and cries for their mummy, I would try and bring the child into activities that I know that they enjoy. For example a child in my room was upset and wanted their mummy, I went over to the child and asked her â€Å"would you like to play with the sand. † The child was happy to as it is h er favourite activity. Children are less likely to show unwanted behaviour if they have strong relationships as I can recognise and meet their needs.The more a child feels confident talking to me it will help their language to develop quicker. I can plan more accurately as I understand a child’s developmental needs and know their interests. I am able to respond to children more effectively because I can recognise their expressions and emotions. The Principles of building and maintaining relationships are as follows: Communicating effectively is one of the most important aspects of building a relationship. The way we do this depends on the child’s age and stage of development.I also use facial expressions, body language and gestures. Identifying and sorting out conflicts and disagreements fairly to maintain the child/young person’s trust. I indentify the difficulties and help them to find ways to overcome them. I would always be consistent and fair as children re ly on this. Consistency means not only keeping behavioural boundaries in place but to make sure the staff are not excitable one day and then quiet and withdrawn the next. Showing respect and courtesy helps the children to copy our actions.For example when I hand out toast at break time I would always say `thank you` when I place it down on their tray. I always speak in a warm and friendly tone, and bend down to their level. Valuing and respecting individuality as each child has different strengths, talents and attitudes; by doing this I show that I am comfortable with their differences. Realising that a child has certain interests and building upon them. For example a child in my group loves Mickey mouse so I brought in a Mickey mouse teddy that helped him go down to sleep easier at sleep time.Keeping promises and honouring commitments are very important as children/young people need to know that can they rely on me. I have an understanding of confidentiality as this is essential ab out trust and respect. I need to know when it is ok to breach the confidentiality, aware that there may be a threat. I would never pass on anything said in private, do not gossip because once the breach of confidentiality is broken all trust is then lost. A/C2; Observed A/C3; Building relationships with children and young people change according to the age and stage of a child.It is important to think about their needs and interests. How I would respond to a 12 year old boy would be different to a 4 year old. Building relationships with babies is an absolute necessity as babies need to form an attachment or bond with the early years worker to make up for them missing their parents. The term `key person` is what the EYFS use to describe the role of a person who will take care of the baby or child and develop a special relationship with them. Constancy is important; babies can make more than one attachment although they do need to have one strong relationship.It is important to try an d encourage children to develop strong relationship with other staff so they feel comfortable and secure if the key person is absent. By holding or cuddling a baby this helps to build strong relationships as the baby feels wanted and reassured. Children under the age of 3 years need strong attachments to one person as the still stress over their parents leaving. This can happen during the settling in period. For example a new boy joined our nursery, at the start mummy stayed with him and he sat on her knee and I slowly introduced myself.Next day mummy had informed me that he loved play dough, so after bending down to the child’s level I asked would he like to help me get the play dough table set up. He followed me, giving mummy time to leave the room. The child was fine until he turned round and noticed mummy had gone. He cried, I offered my hand out and said not to worry as mummy will be back soon. I said to the child about making star shapes to show mummy. Mummy came back i n after half an hour. As the week went on, by the end the child came to me, we got his favourite activity and he was distracted.Now he comes into my room without stressing about mummy. I have always enjoyed working with children. I have three children myself and when they were in primary school I would have been a parent helper. I also became a reading partner. I have an understanding of how to approach children, I always smile and I always appear approachable. For instance if a child in my room appears sad, I would go over to where the child is, when I know the time is right I would give eye contact with a smile. I would then ask if there is anything the child would like to do, maybe do a painting or read a book.I always want the children to feel that they are not being excluded. I improve on building my relationships with the children by communicating with the parents. I work two days a week, I have been told a few times by different mummies that their child has missed me, one chi ld in particular kept saying â€Å"go to gems, see weese† the child’s mummy laughs and says that her child continuously tries to say my name â€Å"weese for Louise† I could do more by attending courses on how to understand relationships etc.I can always learn from communicating with my colleagues on how to sort out conflicts. 028 Outcome 2: A/C1; Positive relationships with people involved in the care of children and young people are important as the child’s welfare can be properly monitored, plans for the children`s care and education are more effective and children are given consistent care. Good communication with everyone in the workplace is important; it is also essential to ensure that colleagues work well together and can share our skills/ideas and gain information with each other.Everyone should work together to meet the needs of the children in the setting and find out what their interests are. If colleagues do not have good relationships then it may cause bad feelings and a divide between colleagues. It may be the case that you will all not work well together and are not able to share information, and then the parents and children may suffer. It is important to have good communication with the children in the etting as this ensures you will have a good relationship with them which will help them feel more comfortable when they are settling in or provide reassurance during transitions in their lives as well as supporting them in their play and learning. Good communication is needed to ensure that information is passed on correctly to the families that will benefit the children. Also if the parents see that you have a good relationship with the children it will help them feel more relaxed and helps them to trust us to care for their children. A/C2; Observed

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Standardization and Information-Communication Industries Essay

International Standardization and Information-Communication Industries - Essay Example The reasons for this difference in the electronics companies in the United States and Japan can be traced to historical reasons. In Japan during the early 1960s, the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry helped in the formulation of trade agreements wherein each Japanese developer of computer systems was paired with a counterpart in the United States, with the objective being that of ensuring Japan’s participation in the electronic revolution and to enable it to compete with IBM which was then the most important player in the market for computer systems.(Hagiu, 2005). The result of this policy was the development of incompatible systems, with operating systems for each being different depending upon which U.S. partner the Japanese company was working with; even IBM systems were sometimes incompatible with each other. Thus, in order to enhance profitability, the Japanese electronics companies found it more profitable to develop integrated systems, whereby one company manufactured highly customized systems offering free software and upgrades, as well as all the hardware component parts, sourcing distributors and suppliers and integrating them into the network of the company organization itself (Hagiu, 2005). This also resulted in a gradual elimination of the U.S. counterparts. The Japanese market is now characterized so much by specialized development of software and electronic products from vertically integrated companies that it is difficult for medium sized independent developers/companies to flourish because there is very little scope for the development of popular platforms which justifies mass scale production of software. In the United States on the other hand, the monopoly enjoyed by IBM in the 1960s and its vertically integrated structure was affected after an antitrust suit was filed against the Company (Hagiu, 2005). Due to this suit, there was a public hue and cry against monopolization

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Information System Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Information System Risk Management - Essay Example This is because success of the ERPs depends on many factors which include technological (Hardware and software), efficient design of processes, and utilization of human recourses. The human resources are the users of the new ERP solution. It is with this in mind that organizations should take risk management strategy that would identify and also control any ERP implementation risks. An organization at risk is exposed to potential threats. Risk management comprises of risk assessment, risk mitigation evaluation and assessment. Risk assessment is used to determine extent of the potential. Some tangible impacts of the success of a threat are thins like loss of revenue and the cost of repairing a system that has been affected (Stoneburner, 2008). Security Threats-ERP threats are real therefore it is important not only to identify the threats but also know the vulnerabilities of the system and look for ways of preventing these threats from breaching the security of the ERP system. The threats may be grouped into the types which include the following:- 3.0 Natural Threats-These are threats that are not caused by human beings. They include quakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, temperature extremes, and many others. Intentional Threats-The best examples of intentional threats are computer crimes or purposeful damage of property or even information. Unintentional Threats-These threats may include unauthorized or even accidental modification of the system. The best way is to study the vulnerability of the system is to identify the threats and then examine the system under those threats. 4.0 Vulnerability of the system One has to think about business transactions that can lead to losses from the information system based abuse, fraud and errors. This may lead to losses occurring when users use the system in a manner that they are not supposed to. It may either be intentional or not. Also there may be threats from intrusion and attacks from outsiders. People may steal or come across authorization credentials and try to enter the system without the knowledge of the authorities and thus jeopardize the integrity of the information contained in the system database. In addition there may also be systems abuse and fraud from the insiders. Authorized users can attempt and indeed succeed in entering into modules that they are not supposed to enter. Centralization of everything in the organization can become a performance bottleneck and also increase the ease with which people can sabotage the entire operations of the organization. One only needs to ensure that the ERP is not w orking and the organization will be on its knees unable to operate. 5.0 External Security Threats Weak Passwords- By use of dictionary attacks, intruders can guess correctly the passwords that are used in the ERP system and hence cause a malicious damage to the system or even get access to otherwise confidential data of the organization thereby compromising the integrity of the organization data. To eliminate this kind of threat, the organization should provide complex passwords and combine

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Diversity in Your Company or Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversity in Your Company or Organization - Essay Example My organization is one of the many beginning to actively promote diversity education and awareness in the workplace. Ideally, every person should be treated equally when it comes to getting a job, advancing in their career, and being treated fairly in the workplace. Realistically, this is often not the case (Workplace Diversity for African, Hispanic (Latino), and Asian Americans, 2004). According to Gingrich, many times the "talents and skills of [diverse] persons often go unrecognized" (2000, p. 14). My organization makes it a point to recognize everyones abilities and talents across a variety of orientations and to give credit where it is due. We hire and promote people of all different races, cultures, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and people with special needs, as well as others who can contribute specific skills and talents to the organization. My company is proof that "diversity contributes to the bottom line by making it easier to retain good employees, lowering costs by d eveloping skills in-house, and developing a reputation that helps attract new employees" (Corporate Culture and Diversity, 2004). It is a privilege to be a part of a company that comes very close to truly defining the phrase melting pot, a locality in which a blending of races, peoples or cultures takes place (Random House Websters Dictionary, 1998). Although it is admirable that we, as an organization, are so aware of diversity in the workplace and continue promoting it, diversity is not always easy for every individual in the organization to appreciate. Yes, our employees do value and embrace the differences of those around them. However, it has become apparent to me in this organization that diversity can also have an adverse affect within an organization. I am finding that although we are a diverse group of people, we also tend to segregate

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 30

Management - Essay Example Charles Investments, Molson Coors Brewing Company, and UCD’s Institute for International Business. Undeniably, globalisation has changed the nature of 21st century businesses all over the world. The world is becoming smaller by day with favourable tariffs encouraging cross-border businesses. Surprisingly, developing countries have followed suit in cross border businesses accounting for a significant percentage. Arguably, IMF predicts that in the coming few years’ developing countries will account for half of the global businesses. Advancement in technology has resulted to high-speed internet that has reduced the barriers of time and distance. Additionally, they have worked on their work environment to accommodate other cultures, other languages, and geographies. After reading the book the coming job war by Jim Clifton that describe a metric based economic model that links human nature in the work place, customer engagement, and business outcomes, IBM is considering adopting the approach. In addition, the talent masters by bill Conaty and Ram Charam has played an important role in shaping IBM. Marriott explains that IBM is working towards aligning its workforce to global opportunities a thing that will improve its productivity through development of creative leaders. In addition, this move will develop workforce skills with greater capabilities, collaboration skills, and with capacity to share knowledge. A great opportunity arises in creation of a workforce that mirrors the shift of an organisation form one level to another. IBM targets improved services to its customers, most of whom will be form outside the US. Arguably, today, 35% of IBM’s revenue comes from the US, with the balance coming from non-US countries. Projected target pr edicts that by 2017, the revenue coming from the US will go down to 23% and the one from the non-US increase to 77%, which encourages them to invest in other countries other than the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Principles of Operations Management by J.Heizer & B.Render Essay

Principles of Operations Management by J.Heizer & B.Render - Essay Example Creating an image thus refers to the process of determining the perception the organization seeks to influence on its different publics. The organization interacts differently with its different publics. Among the publics is its staff, the customers, shareholders and the media among others. The management of the organization must determine the perception that each of the groups have about its operations in order to maximize of profitability (Hill & Jones, 2011). In analyzing the importance and the process of image building, the author uses the metaphor of a porter who at the beginning of his crafting work has a piece of clay but must work and create a new product from the same. The porter therefore conceptualizes an idea and determines the best way of executing through an appropriate design. In the metaphor, the author sees managers as artisans and the strategies they use to approach the various organizational publics as their clay. Just as the porter some must they employ the most a ppropriate strategies to earn the organization the best reputation among every audience group in order to sustain the organization’s profitability objective. Strategy determination is most important; the managers must determine an appropriate strategy of executing a plan of action with the view of achieving a particular objective. The strategy is important to the artisan just as it is to the managers. The author of the article approaches the concept as a review of the organizations past performance and its plans for the future. In crafting a pot or nay other clay product, the craftsman will refer to his past works before infusing such thoughts with the future products. Using his past works as a reference to influence his current work, the porter thus creates a new product that best fits his objectives. The same scenario applies to managers who must make effective managerial decisions on an everyday basis. The decisions the managers make influence the public’s perceptio n about the organization. In doing this, the managers must therefore use their experiences at the organization. An analysis of past decisions provides managers with an effective and reliable reference points (Mintzberg, 1971). The managers thus refer to the outcomes of past decisions of the diverse publics the organization has before constructing a current decision, which must also reflect the organization’s future. While the future is always a gamble, the past on the contrary is concrete owing to the fact that the organization had previously experienced the same. The managers thus make decision using the past reactions of the same publics but project such reactions on the future. In case of desirable reactions, the organization must improve on such with the view of increasing the scope of the organization’s acceptance among its specific publics. In case of an undesirable reaction by a particular public, the managers must seek to redress such by employing effective fut ure decisions that best address all the points of weakness in the past decisions. The author asserts that managers must read the mind of the organization. In doing this, the manager must assume the position of the specific public and therefore work on strategies that are effective enough to address their particular concerns about the organization. The process is cumbersome but requires an equally effective market research. Marketing is a management role concerned with the determination, identification and the sustainment of the customer’s demands from the market. Marketers as managers thus rely on the quality of their market researches to determine the future productions of the organization. The same is the case with all other managers when determining the strategies of solving

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Art History - Essay Example ticle focuses on modernism and the author has turned to present day practitioners whose work are not only the most powerful being done currently, but as well is a wholly committed to the modernist project. The author has used other author’s examples throughout his work in giving examples on how modernism begins and how postmodernism comes in and changes the way a human being lives. The use of descriptive language style in this context has made the author draw the reader’s attention which is a better method of retaining readers and making an article more interesting. The author has also applied the use of speech; this clearly shows how the author has invited other people’s work in this particular article. The author has also used descriptive and vivid language in order to add depth to this article. This appeal to mankind senses to deepen any reader’s well understanding of this article (Morris, Tony, Anthony, Watt and Michael 65). To foster this, the author has included some photographs to support some of his facts. These pictures help any reader to visualize the content being talked about at the back of his or her mind. According to the author, within modernist practice, artists will always reach for signs that function as algorithms of the structural or medium within which they occur. As the center or core of that particular structure, such as a sign, secures the unity or singularity of the task itself, a unity that had been named â€Å"aura† in a different era. The author has also elaborated modernity with most trending lifestyle things such as cars and electronic gadgets majorly. Constitutive heterogeneity may as well define the latest work of a modernist in most part of the article (Cahoone and Lawrence 111). The author has not talked much about himself about modernism which leaves the reader to wonder what type of option he has decided to take. It is until the last sentence of the article that the reader realizes that when the author reveals that the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Coursework Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coursework Assignment - Essay Example This is because the return scale decreases as the production factors are increased. Diminishing returns take place when the labour marginal productivity begins to fall. In the present case, an extra unit of labour is added to a fixed capital when production of buses takes place. It reaches a place where marginal production of extra labour is maximized after which the output for each additional unit of labour falls. Diminishing returns is a law that takes place because production factors like capital labour inputs are imperfect substitutes (Jehle & Philip, 2000). This implies that when producing a product like for this paper, buses and cars, the resources put in use are inefficient when turned for a production of a different service or another good. For instance, workers deployed in the vehicle industry to make buses and cars may be inefficient, if they are re-employed in a cement producing industry. Similarly, quite a number of item involving capital equipment specify to a single typ e of production. If switched to different uses, there would be inefficiency in production of output. Production factors like capital and labour are said to be immobile occupationally as they can be turned to other functions, although with a resultant productivity loss. An inverted relationship does exist between production factors and the cost of production of a unit in a firm. When there is low productivity, cost per unit of supplying service or a good turns out to be higher (Frank, 2006). Therefore, a firm can get higher returns and be efficient in its labour force leading to higher profits and lower costs. Here, K represents capital employed in the form of machine while L stands for labour employed which in this paper is the number of men who repair or make new vehicles. Using N buses = 0.4 K1.1 L0.41 L=0 L=1 L=2 L=3 L=4 L=5 L=6 K=16 0 8.4 11.0 13.5 15.2 16.0 17.7 K=14 0 7.3 9.5 11.7 13.1 13.9 15.3 K=12 0 6.2 8.0 9.8 11.1 11.7 12.9 K=10 0 5.0 6.5 8.1 9.1 9.6 10.6 K= 8 0 4.0 5.1 6 .3 7.1 7.5 8.3 K= 6 0 2.9 3.7 4.6 5.2 5.5 6.0 K= 4 0 1.8 2.4 2.9 3.3 3.5 3.9 K= 2 0 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 K= 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Task B Edge worth box This box is frequently used in a theory of general equilibrium. It helps represent competitive equilibrium in a range of outcomes, which satisfies economic efficiency. It can also aid in detecting difficulty in reaching efficiency in the presence of a bilateral monopoly. From the table above, it is noted that as the number of men is increased holding machine constant number of buses produced increase but in a decreasing rate. This implies that the output or returns to scale diminishes. Therefore, it means that the ratio of employed labour to the number of machines is not that proportional. This creates inefficient use of resources, and in this case, it is the labour employed. If labour is not used efficiently, the firm incur a lot of costs in the form of salaries and wages that are not effectively used (Mas-Colell et al., 19 95). This may lead a firm to diminishing returns to scale. If there is no labour or machine employed, there is no output at all as output is only evident when there is a combination of the two. On the other hand, holding labour constant and adding more machines leads to a steady output as the labour that is available can only use up to a certain no of machines. Task C In the edge box, there are two curves for cars and buses. Whenever

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Interview Assignment Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Interview Assignment - Research Proposal Example 9) Do you think some people do misuse conformity in any way 10) How would you define conforming behaviour 11) Do you think you use conformity to get your own way 12) Do you feel like you have conformed in any way throughout this interview/ questionnaire Information Sheet Title of Study: A research interview project on gender Name and Address of Researcher/Email/Phone Number Stephanie Spencer 07886 380937 Thank you for taking the time to read the Information Sheet and considering taking part in my study. What is the purpose of the study To help me with my research assignment about 'Gender' Why have I been chosen to take part I have chosen you to be a participant in my study because you are a Psychology Student at Manchester Metropolitan University, Cheshire. Do I have to take part No- it is not compulsion to take part in the interview. Your participation in the evaluation is voluntary. You may discontinue at anytime, without prejudice. What will happen to me if I take part Participating in the study will require a short interview about 'Gender'. The interview will be tape-recorded and will be heard by myself only. The tape will be solely for the purpose of research with the ethical standards of confidentiality. If you wish, the tape can be destroyed at any time. What are the possible disadvantages of taking part You may be required to give up 20 minutes of your time. What are the possible advantages of taking part You will be helping me a great deal with my assignment and university work. What are the possible risks of taking part There are no risks identified when you participate. Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential You will not be identified in any way in any report or publication...For one, the interviewee should be aware how long the interview is supposed to take so that he can organize it against his or her day's commitments. It discusses on the first steps that are supposed to be considered before one schedule an interview such as requesting the interviewee about the interview, scheduling it according his or her availability and then getting a consent from the interviewer in case one is to record the proceeding of the interview in a tape recorder. A well organised interview will be a success since it will run smoothly as scheduled and finally achieve its objectives. The area that I will explore in my interview assignment is gender. I will interview on what people do understand by the term conformity. The preparation involves the preparation of the interview questions to ask the interviewee and identification of the best interviewee to invite who is in a position to discuss this issue properly. Participating in the study will require a short interview about 'Gender'. The interview will be tape-recorded and will be heard by myself only. The tape will be solely for the purpose of research with the ethical standards of confidentiality. If you wish, the tape can be destroyed at any time. The chairs should be arranged not facing one another and they should be of the same size to bring calm and equality dur

Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Essay Example for Free

Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Essay Homosexuality, at least from the point of view of history, has seen many ups and downs. In fact, homosexuality itself could not be easily classified to be similar from other various racial or segregation issues such as skin color, language, culture, or religion because those factors have constantly experience negative treatments in the password in homosexuality, has been pointed out by the literature, has enjoyed relatively different approaches to pending on the culture, the timeline, and even the historical context where it is being applied. For example, from the point of view of historians and document literature on the subject of anthropology, researchers have uncovered that homosexuality is not a fairly recent occurrence but rather can be traced back as far back as documented history can show itself. For example, in ancient Greek, Celtic, and even prehistoric cultures such as the Indus Valley civilizations and prehistoric Egyptian cultures, homosexuality was already an occurrence that has been around and was actually freely accepted by the society where it was operating in. In fact, in anthropological texts and research, the subject of homosexual behavior may be from the point of view of romantic relationships, sexual interaction, and even family institution was freely accepted in those societies where in a significant measurement of civilization can be made (Isay, 2009). However, one commentary and theory on why homosexuality has arrived to the point of judgment and negative perception it has today has been pointed out by research as a result of strict monotheistic religious beliefs and Scripture. The three dominating monotheistic religions today on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. And, both from popular convention and in the understanding of religious texts as well as the popular opinions of the leaders of the faiths, homosexuality ranges from a taboo concept in the reality of society towards even complete banning and be integrated into the religious thought to be illegal and Heretic. In fact, Islam, being one of the most powerful religions today because of its influence not only in Middle Eastern countries but also in other geographies such as Asia and other Western countries as well, having strict laws against homosexuality and homosexual behavior, continues to influence perception such that many new generations which follow that religion and that faith, although already relatively involved in global issues and global perception because of the Internet and other information communication technology, still look at homosexuality to be illegal and heretic act and concept because their religion states it to be so. In fact, in all three faiths, a popular Scripture is the city of Sodom and Gomorrah where in the monotheistic God of these religions punish this city because of its homosexual acts such as sodomy and the like. However, as researchers have also indicated, religions which are not classified under the leading monotheistic beliefs have basically taken homosexuality to be either a normal occurrence in human beings or have at least ignored the subject completely where its practitioners are able to say from a very point of view and spectrum that their faiths and spiritualities accept homosexual behavior. In fact, off all the eastern end not monotheistic religions that are popular in todays society, it is only Buddhism which freely accepts the reality of homosexuality and has been addressed by many of its search for leaders and discussed in many affair spiritual centers. However, because of the relatively low reach and population count of those belonging to this faith, at least from the point of view of religious commentary on homosexuality, it has not yet been able to pull homosexual perception towards the positive end of the spectrum which is cultural and contextual acceptance. On the other end of the contextual spectrum of religion, is a scientific approach of homosexual behavior. In such a perspective, origins of homosexuality have been discussed by researchers to be coming from biological factors rather than social factors. This approach has seen popularity only in fairly recent times because of such scientific projects and efforts such as the human genome project and the ability of advanced biology to indicate various genes, indicators, and factors that as researchers have pointed out, have a direct correlation and effect to the fact that individual turns out in the future to be Gay or not. In fact, this is not only a scientific attempt to explain such factors but has actually been published by many research and academic journals all over the world indicating that scientists have segregated various genetic functions which could associate or at least highly correlate an individuals homosexual behavior with the existence and activation of such genetic functions (Haslam Levy, 2006). This is the root of the modern argument of where homosexuality originates if it is brought about by the environment or by genetics. Such arguments, however, although fairly popular in the homosexual population, or at least in Western cultures where homosexuality is now freely accepted in society with relatively low levels of taboo perception, is not yet completely proven and documented in scientific picture enough to have any significant conclusions on the subject. Another perspective, perhaps the most popular, is an environmental perspective on homosexuality. According to this point of view, which is popular among behavioral scientists, psychologists, and social theorists, homosexuality comes about directly as a result of the environment and other external factors. Such arguments have developed relative popularity in the 20th century and even in the modern 21st century as behavioral scientists and psychologists have been able to more and more formulate theories that are backed up by statistical and essential data that was created using the scientific method of pointing out homosexual tendencies and the correlation and connection of society, other individuals, peers, and even family members and asked experiences in shaping its occurrence (Lewes Gilbert, 2009). As an individual, important processes and most cited upon the occurrence of being homosexual individuals the coming-out process. In fact, the coming-out process itself poses as one of the most significant in major hurdles of homosexuality in todays society because of the judgment that intrinsically comes about in the process itself. However, because of the popularity of such perspectives of scientific and behavioral basis of sexuality were in more and more members of society and even countries and classifications have culture as a whole are beginning to accept the validity of such research, evidence, and findings, the coming-out process, although has not been decreased at least from the point of view of difficulty, is today at least not judge as it was judge during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. Today, as from personal experience, the coming-out process and admitting not only to friends and family members but even to society as a whole the choice and eventual manifestation of sexual orientation has become easier if not more accepted. However, perhaps an interesting analysis is although such historical and scientific perspectives and frameworks have indeed help in the process of society accepted the existence of homosexuality in todays world, a very difficult approach would be to understand if such perspectives and scientific discoveries have shaped actually being homosexual. This is difficult to answer because causality is often impossible to connect especially if these perspectives and factors did not indeed have any contributions to being a homosexual individual. However, perhaps one factor that has shaped the choice of sexuality and orientation in todays world is the ability to recognize that there is such a concept as homosexuality and it is a fairly popular convention and many individuals in the world today are members of that orientation group. By recognizing such factor in fact, I as an individual have been able to classify myself an essential need according to behavioral psychologists and sociologists to a certain part and classification of todays environment and society and am able to learn much about myself as well as the culture I am living in today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ipp Group Of Companies Background Business Essay

Ipp Group Of Companies Background Business Essay IPP is a private own group of companies which was established by Mr. Reginald Mengi, since 1980s after serving as Chairman and Managing Partner of Coopers Lybrand in Tanzania. The IPP group was stated as a small scale, hand operated ball point pen assembly plant in Dar es Salaam and has now expanded and diversify to become of largest industrial groups in East Africa. The company comprises four core divisions namely: Media Beverages Household and Beauty care Minerals Prospecting and Mining IPP MEDIA IPP Media is one of leading East Africas largest Media conglomerates. IPP Media is a private company, held under IPP Group and based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. IPP Media comprises nine newspapers, which are published daily in both English(The Guardian, Sunday observer, financial times and This day) and Swahili are (Taifa letu, Nipashe, Majira, Lete raha) also has three television stations namely (ITV, EATV and Capital television), and three radio stations (Radio One, Capital FM and East Africa radio). IPP Media is also a wide content provider for East African news on the Internet via its web site www. . BEVERAGES Water Bottled on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro at Shirimatunda area, Kilimanjaro Pure Drinking Water is the leading water brand in Tanzania. In order to meet its growing demand while maintaining its international packaging standards, IPP is currently installing a cutting edge PET bottle blowing / filling line which will triple its bottling capacity. Soft drinks IPP holds the franchise for Coca Cola carbonated soft drinks brands:- Coca Cola, Fanta Orange, Sprite, Fanta Passion, Fanta Pineapple, Fanta Black Currant, Sparletta Citrus, Sparletta Classic, Sparletta Pinenut, Stoney Tangawizi, Krest, Bitter Lemon, Krest Ginger Ale, Krest Tonic Water and Krest Club Soda. Over the years, numerous quality awards of gold and silver medals have been won bearing witness to the seriousness and importance attached to quality. Beer Carlsberg; Probably the best beer in the World. IPP is the sole importer and distributor of Carlsberg, the internationally known premium larger. Spirits Several brands are professionally blended and packed to meet national and international quality standards; these brands include, the exotic spirits of Hakuna Matata, Zanzibar Desire and Kilimanjaro Ecstasy describe local fundamental nature, aroma and taste and promise pleasure to all palates. IPP Households and beauty: Body soaps IPP is involved in the manufacturing and distribution of a number of leading soap brands including REVOLA, Tanzanias foremost beauty soap. It also manufactures and distributes under license the GIV Beauty Soap from PT. Wings Surya (Indonesia). A fully-fledged laboratory ensures the highest quality standards for its products. Body soap products are readily available throughout Tanzania, via a strong network of own depots, agents and distributors. Export markets include Congo, Zambia and Burundi. Detergents TESA ULTRA WASHING POWDER, one of the leading and most widely used brands in East and Central Africa. Under IPP Minerals and Prospecting category there are: Mining, cutting, polishing IPP carries on the business of mining, cutting, faceting and polishing of precious stones and uses modern state of the art equipment manned by very skilled staff. Precious stones cut and polished include Tanzanite, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald and Alexandrite. The cut and polished gemstones cater to the needs of the Tanzanian market and for exports worldwide. Prospecting Currently prospecting for Diamonds, Gold and Platinum in various concessions within Tanzania. ORGANISATION STRATEGIES Rigorous performance and financial management. Integrity, honesty and moral standards. Continuous product research, innovation and product quality. Responsible corporate citizen. Making a real and sustainable difference in markets in which IPP has business interests. Human capital development. Unparalleled service excellence. VISION To be the worlds most admired diversified company with regard to employee and customer satisfaction. MISSION Ability to spot and harness opportunities Employee satisfaction Competent leadership and management Business innovation and creativity Service excellence ORGANISATION STRUCTURE According to Mullins, (2005:596) Structure is the pattern of relationships among positions in the organisation and among members of the organisation. Structure makes possible the application of the process of management and creates framework of order and command through which the activities of the organisation can be planned, organised, directed and controlled. The structure defines tasks and responsibilities, work roles and relationships, and channels of communications. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOLLOWED BY THE IPP GROUP The IPP group of companies has cloned its organization structure from Organic according to the nature of the business. The Organic is very flexible and it has enabled the company to run all kinds of business effectively .This is due to the decentralization approach applied, where some decision making are carried out by heads of department rather than top management.. For the case of IPP groups channel of communication, is highly structured and is open to allow flow of information in all level within the company. The IPP group has. Organic structure which is flexible in attaining its objectives such that: It supports innovation It is free more adaptable to the organization to changing circumstances Channel of communication are open with free flow of information throughout organization. Operating style allow to vary freely Authority for decision making based on the expertise of individual in all division of work More consensual and more loosely controlled It emphasis on getting things done and un constrained by formally laid down procedures In case o decision making is made in participation and group consensus ORGANISATION CULTURE According to Cook, C et al (1997, p 112) defined organization culture as the fundamental assumption people share about an organizations values , beliefs, norms, symbols, language , rituals and myths. All of the expressive elements that gives meaning to organization membership and are accepted as guide to behavior. The following are the IPP group organization culture. Transparency- IPP group of companies encourage transparency to its operations from its core divisions of media (Radio, television, investigative news from news papers) Symbols- the IPP group of companies has a status symbol that communicate social position and pecking order in hierarchy, and their Grandness gives a good indicator about how much importance is attached to hierarchy as an organization principle Rites and Ceremonies- it is carried on during retirement and farewell parties and can be used as a sign of a happy family as well ritual of taking a new comer around and introducing the person to new colleague Power Culture: A power culture found in IPP group relies on Trust, empathy, and personal communication for effectiveness. Task Culture: This seeks to bring together the right resources and people and utilize the unifying power of the IPP group. They also have unique and robust culture of entrepreneurial team work and strategic focus. ORGANISATION BEHAVIOR According to Cook, C et al (1997 p 9) defined organizational behavior as behaviors of individuals and groups within an organization, and the interactions between the organization and environmental forces. The IPP group of company has the responsibility to create conducive working environment that are excellent for both employees and organization. THE IPP EMPLOYEES The people who work for IPP are the cornerstone of companys success. The group is also committed to not only receiving value from employees, but also delivering value to them. To this end IPP group systematically implement a company-wide system aimed at fostering an inspiring and caring environment. Through teamwork and communication, the goal is to harness the exceptional intellectual capital they already have within the organization and provide an opportunity for this to be recognized, rewarded and fulfilled. CUSTOMERS The group continues to seek innovative ways to understand the needs of its potential customers who they see as their business partners. Through their internal and external service excellence chain, they have always managed to come up with solutions that meet their business partners needs. IPPs success is evident in market leadership in the sectors in which they operate. SWOT analysis SWOT ANALYSIS FOR IPP GROUP OF COMPANY Strengths Availability of latest technology which meet the need of the organization Good infrastructure that cater demand for production- warehouses, offices, transportation, communication system Availability of skilled labors Wide range of products Good distribution system through deport and agents Well known brand names example coca cola, Kilimanjaro pure drinking water, the guardian news paper, and local news paper like majira, nipashe etc Weaknesses Unpredictable and seasonal market Weak collaboration and networking Inadequate support from government Shortage of resources and equipments Shortage of expertise Lack of job security Opportunities High local demand of information Larger regional and international markets Financial access from financial institutions Political stability Availability of training institution to train staff Availability of broadcasting Act and Policy Threats Other competitors in the market Frequently technological change Natural disasters Conflict between the Government and IPP Media (political conflict) Outdated law governing media sectors Brain drain Constraints: IPP group of companies faces the following constraints: Market constraints: IPP group of companies faces market challenges from other competitor who are in the market doing the same business. Also the market forces caused by demand and supply as well the change of price due to currency stability. Technological constraints: rapid change of technology is one of the challenges which the IPP group is facing in today world. If the company is unable to cope with changes of technology this will cause the inability to compete in the market in terms of production of quality product. Financial constraints: Poor allocation of fund and poor budgeting (under budgeting and over budgeting). Prioritization and allocation of resources are to be allocated in highly demand area within the organization. Legal constraints: the new introduced policy which may hinder the companys activities as well the outdated policy which does not favor the operation of the organization. Organisation Competitors IPP group of companies have many competitors in its market, from media, beverages, and in mining division. These competitors include Media competitors Global Publishers Ltd, Habari Corporation, Business Times, Mwananchi Communication, Sahara Communication Ltd and Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC). Beverages Competitors Bakhresa Group of Companies, Nyanza Bottles Mining Competitors Tanzanite One and Barrick Gold Mining Ltd BARRIERS TO MANAGING CHANGE People tend to be resistant to change. It is important therefore for management of IPP Group to understand the reasons for, and nature of, resistance and to adopt a clearly defined strategy for the initiation of change. Barriers to Managing Change in IPP Group are Organisation Culture Once the organisation culture change suddenly it hinders the process of managing change as people within the organisation are not read to accept any change due to fear of loosing their job, positions, demotion. Economic Implications. Employees of IPP are likely to resist change which is consider as threat to their direct and in direct pay or other rewards. Some times changes increase levels of work for the same levels of payments. Past contract or agreement. IPP entered into contracts or agreements with other parties, such as (Coca cola companies).Theses contracts and agreement can limit changes in behaviours like operating under special license or permit or fixed price contract to supply goods/services to a Government agencies. STRATEGIES TO OVERCOME BARRIERS TO MANAGING CHANGE The following are proposed strategies to overcome barriers to Managing Change. Education and Communication This will help staffs to learn the reason for the change, how it will take form, and the likely consequences will be. Communication is required to reduce anxiety and ensure that staffs understand what is happening, what will be the expected of them and how they will be supported in adopting to change. Participation and Involvement The Management of IPP Groups should encourage those involved in designing and implementation of changes in order to give out their ideas and foster commitment. Participation increases understanding, enhances feelings of control, minimise uncertainty, and promote a feeling of ownership when change directly affect staffs. If people within the organisation are involved about bringing change it is difficult for them to resist. Facilitation and Support Whenever there are changes, IPP Group Management should encourage, support, counsel, train and provide resources to help those affected by change to cope with new requirements. Through facilitation and support, managers have a better chance of bringing the change and commitment to make it work. Negotiation and Agreement During powerful resistance on implementing changes, management of IPP Group should negotiate and agree with staff through their representatives on how to implement changes. Conclusion: IPP group of companies is still progressing despite of challenges from competitors and market forces. Proper allocation of resources that is human resources, operation resources, financial resources and raw materials is required to be improved through improved through imposing changes in terms of organisation Culture and Change Management. Developing strategies that will lead to better change. MEDIA BEVERAGES HOUSEHOLDS AND BEAUTY CARE STRATEGIC VENTURES MINERALS PROSPECTING AND MINING

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chinas Relationship with North Korea

Chinas Relationship with North Korea Table of Contents: Introduction Hypothesis statement Research Questions Literature Review Theoretical framework (Defensive Realism-Kenneth Waltz) Sino-Korean alliance Mutual gain between China and North Korea Beijing’s influence Conclusion Introduction: North Korea is the state that is being considered as the most isolated state in the world. China is the only state that is supporting North Korea since Korean War. At the period of Korean War USSR and China backed North Korea. South Korea and North Korea are on the same peninsula whereas; North Korea shares its borders with China, Russia, Japan and Mongolia but does not have good relations with any state except China. Trade impediments have been put on North Korea but China supported them throughout and acknowledged as the biggest trade partner of North Korea. During the Korean War, Soviet Union provided military assistance to North Korea but circumstances are quite different now. As we are living in unipolar world and US is the super power, China is threat to US because of its emerging economic and military power. US supported South Korea in Korean War and they still have ample relations with each other. The reason of fragmentation of Korea is shift in ideology, North Korea was a Co mmunist state and that is again a threat to US because US didn’t want several states that follow Communism. On the other hand China was and still is a Communist state and a cause of having a soft corner for North Korea. South Korea is the Democratic state and has been backed by US. [1] China is aiding Pyongyang in terms of both soft power and hard power but does not want them to have their own military weapon. Proliferation of Nuclear weapon may lead towards unhealthy relations between China and North Korea and off course US silently supporting this particular act of China against North Korea. From 2006-2013 Pyongyang’s tried Nuclear Tests for the three times but it turned relations in tensed situation and settled afterwards when North Korea agreed on denuclearization at Six Table Talks. For now North Korea does not afford disturbed relations with China because it’s the only state that is providing economic and military trade to them. When Korea split North Korea had better economy and GDP than South Korea but now South Korea is more developed and flourished because of Democracy and support of US whereas North Korea being the follower of Communism and have Dictatorship has poor economy plus have non friendly relations with its neighbors. [2] Hypothesis: North Koreas alliance is important to Beijing as an important tool of balancing power in the region with the US its allies, especially South Korea rising Japan. Research Questions: The purpose of the study is to find out the answers of these questions: Why North Korea is important for China in the regional context of Asia Pacific? Will Sino-Korean alliance be able to balance power with the United States its allies in the region? What is the Western Perception of Sino-Korean alliance? Literature review: As China and North Korea’s relationship is one of the ongoing debates for the world since Korean War so scholars like to write about it and by giving different analysis on the particular issue makes the topic more interesting. The Congressional Report has been published on December 2010 by Dick. K. Nanto and Mark. E. Manyin. The main crux of the report was that US being the opponent of China still highlighted the mutual interests of China’s foreign policy towards North Korea. The reason behind that is China wants to see North Korea as a stabilized state in terms of strong economy but does not want North Korea to become a Nuclear power and this is the point where US is with China. The Book â€Å"North Korea and North East Asia† edited by Samuel. S Kim and Tai Hwan Lee talks about Beijing’s continuous support to Pyongyang is its own interest because if it will stop the economic assistance to North Korea, then the complete dependence on China would affect the economy of China as well. Weak economy of North Korea means less job opportunities and facilities of life. As North Koreans are not in good terms with their neighbors except China they will start moving towards it, this fear is making China to provide soft power to North Korea so they stay in their own state and not become the refuges of China. There is a report from Washington named as China’s North Korean Policy by Gates Bill published in 2011 and another report â€Å"Balancing Chinese interests on North Korea and Iran† by Lora Saalman (April 21013). In this report author has discussed that US, South Korea and Japan are allies but somehow they are agreeing on China’s foreign policy towards North Korea as it discussed about: To stable the regime and political system of North Korea Development of their economy A book called â€Å"China and North Korea† by Andrew Scobell has discussed what terror PRC and DPRK faced after 9/11. In China’s point of view after Iraq it was North Korea’s turn to be attacked by US so in that case it was imperative for both states to come together on one table and maintain their National Security, the article China’s North Korean Pivot published in 2013 by Yoon Young-Kwan added that China’s perception was that Pyongyang’s would agree on the issue of denuclearization when Prime Minister Wen Jibao visited North Korea in October 2009 and made sure the continuity of economic services. Theory: Defensive Realism-Kenneth Waltz In this study, I have applied the defensive realism school of thought. Defensive realist basically believes that power is the most important element in the international relations. Also, defensive realists argue that states are genuinely obsessed with security because they feel insecure and thus always seek to maximize its security capabilities. This is how China is developing and maintaining its relations with other states including North Korea in the region. China is insecure and doesn’t trust US and its allies, and with the growing US presence in the Asia Pacific region in return has increased China’s concerns, thus China is seeking to find a way to balance the power by supporting US rival North Korea. Sino-Korean alliance As it is observed that China is of the strongest allied state of North-Korea, few things are being come under consideration in last few years. Some tensions have been occurred between China and North Korea relationship due to continuous nuclear development by North Korea, China and US are on the same platform to stop North Korea to become a Nuclear power. It is thought that US partnership towards North East Asia is a gateway to bring stability in Korea peninsula. Since Obama’s pivot to Asia the previous policy (regional partnership) has been confronted, and the changing policy of US is creating suspicion among Chinese Government. North Korea’s approach is aggressive towards China and US, now North Korea is applying realistic approach as according to North Korea US is the only actor with maximum nuclear power and Pyongyang is trying to balance the power by developing their own Nuclear weapons. U.S-China policies are divergent in key areas such as anti-terror and anti WMD institutes, democracy and human rights. The U.S alliance system and the U.N system contribute on stable patterns of power balancing in Asia-Pacific. I conclude that Sino-U.S policies on the regional order result in patterns of power balancing not undermined by co-existence and order that may be called â€Å"Stable Instability†, because it is likely to remain in place as the regional order of the Asia-Pacific for the foreseeable future. Western perception of Sino-Korean alliance Since China is the biggest trade partner of North Korea but its policy towards denuclearization of North Korea is very clear and supports US on this particular issue. Though US consider China as a threat but also realize that China is only providing soft power to North Korea and has a very firm stance on the issue of denuclearization of North Korea. At the start of the Obama’s administration first term in 2009, there were many expectations that the United States must pursue direct talks with North Korea in order to break a two decade long standoff over its nuclear program. President Obama promised in his inaugural address that he would offer an outstretched hand to those who will unclench their fists. Making a public offer to dictatorial states of willingness to abandon adversarial relations.[3] However North Korea responded to this offer with a multi-stage rocket launch and a nuclear test in April and May 2009.These actions meant that president Obama’s first North Korea related policy decisions would be defined by the need to uphold the international non-proliferation regime against North Korea’s challenge and would involve winning international support for sanctions against North Korea at United Nations security council. The resulting UNSC resolution 1874 condemned North Korea’s nuclear and multi stage rocket tests and subjected suspected North Korea related shipments to international inspections. [4] By the time Obama’s administration had the political space to pursue direct dialogue with North Korea; it had decided on an approach that secretory of United State Clinton described as strategic pastime in close consultants with our six party allies. The emphasis alliances coordination has been the first principle of any Obama administration discussion policy towards North Korea and it was greatly aided by the fact that Obama and Lee Myung-bak (former ruler of South Asia) administrations largely saw eye to eye on the priority and importance of North Korea’s denuclearization.[5] The policy of â€Å"strategic patience†, a policy that suggested that the U.S could offend to wait for North Korea to make its decision to denuclearize, aligned well with political reality in light of North Korea’s alleged sinky of a Korean warship and shelling of South Korea’s Yeonpyeons Island in March and November 2010. The Obama administration held three rounds of direct talks with North Korean counterparts from July 2011 to February 2012. The U.S intended these statements to bind North Korea from provocative actions such as nuclear and missile tests and to secure Pyongyang’s commitment to return to the path of denuclearization, but they were upended less than three weeks after they were announced by North Korea’s March 16, 2012 announcement of its failed 12 April 2012 satellite launch. Thus, the Obama’s first term policy toward North Korea involved a mix of elements, including a strong commitment to coordination among some South Korean and Japanese allies, continued adherence to the objective of North Korea’s denuclearization. The Obama administration also involved a â€Å"rebalancing† policy towards Asia, popularly known as pivot to Asia. This policy strengthens U.S political, economic and military participation in and commitment to Asia, both through a host of bilateral dialogues with China that cover a wide range of economic and strategic issues and through a variety of hedging me asures designed to shape China’s rise, limit the affects of assertive Chinese policies and assure that China’s rise will not result in regional instability. This debate provides a backdrop to consider prospects for Sino-U.S cooperation on policy toward North Korea and highlights Chinese wariness and strategic mistrust of U.S policy intentions.[6] Mutual Gain North Korea is economically dependent on China. China is its major food source and the North Korea’s dependency on china is increasing day by day as its export is less than its import. It is not only North Korea that is benefitting from China but it’s a game of mutual gain North Korea is providing buffer zone between China and South Korea. More and more Chinese companies are investing in North Korea and gaining favorable interests. Importance of North Korea in Asia Pacific (China): Conclusion: China doesn’t believe in making alliances or allies. China only seeks mutual interests and cooperation amongst states. Also, China perceives a threat from US and its Allies and so in order to balance out, China has been supporting North Korea since the Korean War in early 1950s. Moreover, there has been a mutual gain relation between North Korea and China. North Korea’s economy is entirely dependent on China as China provided it with aid and energy supplies. Also, China is protecting and calming down its border against the Korean immigrants in China. However, China is surrounded by many challengers and so China sees North Korea as a buffer state against South Korea where 1000’s of US military troops are settled. Also, there has been a great number of investments and infra-structure building in North Korea by Chinese firms and companies. And in return China is extracting mineral resources from North Korea’s region. This way China is protecting and serving its own national interests while also helping out the North Korean interests and raising many of its people out of poverty. Bibliography A.Snyder, Scott. U.S. Policy Toward North Korea. Council on Foreign Affairs, January 2013. Armenian, Red. 26 January, 2011. (accessed April 15, 2914). Dingli, Shen. Scribd. 2006. (accessed April 8, 2014). G.Sutter, Robert. Scribed. 2012. (accessed April 16, 2014). Henderson, Barney. Sreaves32. March 29, 2013. (accessed April 6, 2014). Meredith, Charlotte. Sreaves32. April 9, 2013. (accessed April 5, 2014). March 15, 2014. (accessed April 10, 2014). NORTH KOREA SAYS IT WILL LAUNCH A NUCLEAR ATTACK ON THE UNITED STATES. March 11, 2013. (accessed April 9, 2014). Odgard, Liselotte. The Balance of Power in Asia-Pacific Security. Routledge, January 2007. shree Bajoria, Beina Xu. Council on Foreign Relations. Febuary 18, 2014. (accessed April 10, 2014). Xu, Jayshree Bajoria and Beina. Indias Strategic Studies. Febuary 21, 2013. (accessed April 16, 2014). [1] Dingli, Shen. Scribd. 2006. (accessed April 8, 2014). [2] Armenian, Red. 26 January, 2011. (accessed April 15, 2914). [3] A.Snyder, Scott. U.S. Policy Toward North Korea. Council on Foreign Affairs, January 2013. [4] Henderson, Barney. Sreaves32. March 29, 2013. (accessed April 6, 2014). [5] March 15, 2014. (accessed April 10, 2014). [6] A.Snyder, Scott. U.S. Policy Toward North Korea. Council on Foreign Affairs, January 2013.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Manhattan Project :: essays research papers

On August 2nd 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts in Nazi Germany to utilize a rare element, U-235, which might in turn be used to build a weapon. This weapon would be capable of power totally beyond the scope of mans’ vision. Ironically and sadly, it was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known only then as â€Å"The Manhattan Project.† Through the harness and development of the atom’s power, the Manhattan Project stands as a marker for man’s passage into an exciting and also terrifying age of nuclear power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Simply put, the Manhattan Project was committed to quick research and production that would yield a workable atomic bomb. â€Å"Over the course of six years, ranging from 1939 to 1945, more than two billion dollars were spent on the Manhattan Project. An additional seventy-six million dollars were spent by the Army Air Forces on Project SILVERPLATE. [ Project SILVERPLATE covered the modification of 46 B-29 bombers in support of the Manhattan Project, trained the personnel of the 509th composite bombing group, and provided logistical support for units based at Tinian Island, launching point for the attacks on Japan.]† (, 2001) The formulas for refining Uranium and putting together a working bomb were created and seen to their ends by some of the greatest minds of our time. Among these people to unleashed the power of the atomic bomb was J. Robert Oppenheimer. â€Å"J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904. After graduating from Harvard and studying under Ernest Rutherford at Cambridge University, Oppenheimer received his Ph.D. in Germany in 1925. In 1929, he returned to the United States to teach at the University of California Berkeley and at Cal Tech.† (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, 1998) In June 1942, Oppenheimer was appointed scientific director of the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer was the major force behind the Manhattan Project. He literally ran the show and saw to it that all of the great minds working on this project made their brainstorms work. He oversaw the entire project from its conception to its completion. Finally the day came when all at Los Alamos would find out whether or not â€Å"The Gadget† was either going to be the colossal dud of the century or perhaps change mankind forever.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why Should I Be Moral? :: essays research papers fc

Why Should I Be Moral? The question of morality proves to be a complex interrogatory. Should I be moral? If I should be, then why? Why is morality important to society? An assumption can be made that morals derive from a purely religious perspective or the Golden Rule approach. We are told that it is right to be moral. This is an ineffective answer, since it does not apply to someone outside the moral circle (Olsen, 79). This in mind, there is really no way to prove this too a person who wants to know why he/she should be moral. According to Olen, the only answer to them would be "because you are". Happiness could also be included in the list of moral reasons. I personally feel that this is the best supported reason for being moral. Although there will be times when the moral decision will not be pleasurable, it will eventually lead to happiness. Morality is important for society as a whole, as it makes life livable. Now expanding on the happiness theory, I will discuss the ideas of Aristotle. Aristotle believed that happiness is the quality of whole human life. We all have misconceptions about happiness. Most of us believe that happiness is experiencing a lively feeling of joy or pleasant feelings. We can be happy at one moment, but not the next. Aristotle on the other hand said that true happiness includes pleasures, joys, and successes as well as many pains, griefs, and troubles in ones life. A happy life is not cause by the pleasures we've had, nor marred by the displeasures we've had. Aristotle also contended that children could not be happy as the requirement for happiness was a complete life. For instance, an old man looking back on his life and being able to say that it was good, is happiness. Aristotle defined the things that make happiness as health, wealth, friendship, and good moral character. Aristotle stated that happiness was also the highest good leaving nothing more to be desired. Life is made perfect by possession of all good things. We seek happiness for its own sake. All others are sought for happiness. Aristotle believed to become happy one must have good character and be willing to suffer to obtain the greater good later on. We should seek the good in the long run. Most men/women will not do this. We take the immediate pleasure. Most people think that happiness is unique to each person. Aristotle believed that there is only one true conception and that it holds the same for all humans. Power is not an attribute to happiness because

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Coach Inc Case Preparation Essay

Coach Inc. Case Preparation: Key Facts: Low cost provider strategy Focused on matching key luxury rivals in quality and styling while beating them on price by 50 percent or more; competitive advantage Multichannel distribution model (indirect wholesales to third-party retailors vs. direct-to-consumer sales. Priorities increase global distribution and improve same-store sales productivity Build market share in NA, Japan Raise brand awareness and build share in underpenetrated markets Increase sales of products targeted towards men Create an online marketing presence using, etc 4.2 billion in sales in 2011 (20 percent annual increase) 63 percent were handbags, 27 percent accessories, 10 percent other products 16.7 million to 880 million in net income  2012 direct-to-consumer accounted for 87% of 2011’s net sales, indirect wholesaler had net sales of 540 million Coach, Inc. in 2012: Its strategy in the ‘accessible’ luxury goods market 1. Describe the macro environment of the luxury goods industry. Political Factors: The market in China was restricted for some time by the Chinese government Economic Conditions: the economic downturn in 2007-2009 hurt the luxury goods industry Sociocultural Forces: healthy/green movement, more conservative with money after the downturn etc Technological Factors: more ways to talk to consumers, provide brand awareness, and allow consumers to buy (websites, mobile apps, etc.) Environmental Factors: weather not really a concern in the luxury goods industry Legal/Regulatory Conditions: none mentioned in the case really, other than the counterfeit laws which are in place to help the luxury goods industry 2. What are the defining characteristics of the industry? What is the industry like? Defining characteristics of the industry/what is the industry like includes many competitors, growing demand as middle class and upper class expand, diversity in luxury products (using your brand name and  attaching it to other products/lines i.e., men’s products for coach). 3. How is the market for luxury handbags and leather accessories changing? What are the underlying drivers of change, and how can these forces change the industry? The market doesn’t seem to be changing very much, maybe expanding as more money and other countries are becoming wealthier (India). Drivers of change are new internet capabilities and applications, product and marketing innovation, changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles Different wants handbags for the more on the go lifestyle, environmentally friendly bags/processes. 4. What key factors determine the success of makers of fine handbags and leather accessories? KFSs are: diverse products, ahead of trends (fashion), marketing research, lower price point than competition, brand loyalty/recognition/awareness 5. What is competition like in the industry? Which of the five competitive forces is the strongest? Which is the weakest? What is the industry’s potential for profitability? Many competitors in the luxury goods industry. Strongest of the five forces I believe is rivalry, competitive pressures come from other firms in the industry, competitors numerous equal size and competitive strength, face high exit barriers, diverse countries of origin Weakest of the five forces I believe is potential new entrants, because brand recognition is so important in the industry Industry’s potential for profitability is high, markets are large and expanding, their sales are already high etc. 6. What does your strategic group map of the industry look like? The three main categories: haute-couture, traditional luxury and accessible luxury The first two are not where Coach competes but where some of its competitors are, where they have created other product lines that compete in the accessible luxury category. DKYNY, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton, (last two created diffusion lines) are competition in the accessible luxury category 7. What recommendations would you make to Lew Frankfort to improve the company’s competitive position in the industry and its market performance? Follow their current plans and strategies to open up and pursue growing markets to improve market performance, and increased market share will help their competitive position.

Psychological View

Psychological View Many Americans, until this day, have been diagnosed with psychotic disorders. According to the Schizophrenia Health Center, psychotic disorders are a group of serious illnesses that affect the mind. These illnesses affect a person’s responsibility to think clearly, make good judgments, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately. When symptoms are severe, people with psychotic disorders have difficulty staying in touch with reality and often are unable to meet the ordinary demands of daily life. In Edgar Allan Poe’s poem â€Å"The Raven†, we can see that the speaker of this famous piece of American literature is a man grieving over the death of his beloved, Lenore. The speaker tries to go on with his life, but he always feels grief for the person he lost. No matter what he does, the feeling comes back, and he cannot ignore it – just like we couldn’t ignore a bird in our room who was always staring at us. Based on my reading on â€Å"The Raven† by Edgar Allan Poe, the speaker was hallucinating images, suffering depression, and struggling through delirium tremens. After reading Poe’s poem, we can clearly see all of the speaker’s psychological conditions. Throughout the poem â€Å"The Raven†, the speaker suffered hallucinations. The loss of his beloved Lenore hit him hard, especially psychologically. â€Å"That I scarce was sure I heard you – here I opened wide the door; – Darkness there and nothing more† (page 468 lines 23-24). Through this quote, the speaker shows auditory hallucinations. He’s sure he heard a knock on the door, but when he opened it, there was nothing but darkness. According to my understanding of the poem, the speaker also suffered visual hallucinations, unless we assume that the speaker really did see a raven. However, it does work well as a symbol for mental disorder, especially as a raven is known for its color, and depression is often referred to as the black dog. People who have hallucinations may hear sounds or voices or see things that are not really there, just like the speaker from â€Å"The Raven† thought he saw a raven. The speaker’s loss of his beloved Lenore brought great depression upon him. â€Å"Eagerly I wished the morrow; – vainly I had sought to borrow from my books surcease of sorrow – sorrow for the lost Lenore – for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore† (page 467 lines 9-11). The speaker is grieving for his ‘lost Lenore’ and it is almost as if the raven has been sent as a messenger from the underworld to torment the speaker even more. According to the Depression Health Center. eeling depressed can be a normal reaction to loss, life’s struggles, or an injured self-esteem. Left untreated, depression can lead to problems at home, work, school, drug abuse, and even tragedy. Depression is a mental illness that affects most of the world’s population, but if treated correctly it could be cured. The loss of the speaker’s beloved Lenore made him fall into depression, and sadly he couldn’t get himself any help. Based on my understanding of the â€Å"The Raven†, the speaker is struggling through delirium tremens. According to an article from Medline Plus, delirium tremens is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal that involves sudden and severe mental or nervous system change. The speaker of â€Å"The Raven† had too much going at one time of his life, so most likely he turned to alcohol as a nepenthe. Nepenthe was an ancient Greek concept of a medicine for sorrow, it would be what today is classified as an anti-depressant or a â€Å"drug of forgetfulness†. Scholars have thought of it as a substitute for Opium or Wormwood. We can tell he had some drinks because he was feeling weary. â€Å"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary†¦Ah, distinctly I remember it was in bleak December† (page 467 lines 1 and 6). The speaker mentions that it is night time and that he’s in his chair feeling weak and weary. This could be possibly due to extreme alcohol consumption especially since the poem mentions that it is December, a time to be ‘merry’ with our loved ones, or perhaps just alone and drunk if we have lost our loved one just like the speaker in â€Å"The Raven† did. According to an article all about delirium tremens, the main symptoms of delirium tremens are confusion, disorientation, agitation, and fever. The speaker seemed confused and disorientated because he was still grieving the loss of his beloved Lenore. â€Å"The Raven† by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous poems in American literature. Among other achievements, the poem is a detailed examination of hallucinations, depression, and delirium tremens. Poe’s protagonist moves through several specific stages of grief until he sinks into hopelessness at the poem’s conclusion. He does not come to accept his loss; he only suffers and attempts to deal with it. The raven symbolizes grief. The speaker tries to move on with his life, but something keeps pulling him back, and he can’t ignore it – just like the raven that sat in the room, staring. Throughout â€Å"The Raven† we saw many psychological conditions the speaker had to deal with. It’s very sad knowing how loosing someone we love can affect our life to a point where we just feel hopeless.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effective Study Skills are the Sole Foundation of a Sound Education Essay

This essay intends to discuss whether effective study skills are the sole foundation to a sound education. A helpful start is to try to understand what is meant by the term study skills. Wikipedia (2014) defines study skills as â€Å"techniques to assess the individual to be an effective learner† and suggests that â€Å"any skill which boosts a students ability to study and pass exams can be termed as a study skill.† The word, skill, is further explained by Cottrell (2013) as â€Å"†¦a learned activity, something that can be developed through practice.† This suggests that anyone can successfully achieve a sound level of education. If skills such as time management, research skills, written skills and people skills can be learned, then perhaps everyone has the equal chance of success in their chosen topic of study. The C.R.E.A.M. Strategy for learning (Cottrell 2013) allows us to build further on the subject of study skills by looking at the learning process and breaking it down into four areas. It is then easy to see where individual study skills can be applied in the learning process. The acronym C.R.E.A.M. Stands for: C – creative, R – reflective, E – effective, A – active, M- motivation. Looking into each of these areas in more depth may give the student opportunity to examine the factors that may influence the learning process and be able to focus on, develop and apply the skills and strategies that they might find most effective. At the same time, weakness that may hinder the learning process, could be identified and dealt with. It seems to suggest that study skills and strategies can be taught, learned and implemented by any individual, so allowing anyone to gain a sound education by using these learned skills. However, there are many factors that may heavily influence the teaching and learning ofthese study skills in the first place, so affecting the implementation of the skills in order to succeed in education. Taylor (2014) believes that â€Å"in order for a student to learn there, are several factors that must be considered. Most of these factors are external†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Indeed, Mondal (2014) tell us there are seven factors that may influence a student: The intellectual factor ie. (i)the individuals intelligence level; (ii)learning factors such as poor or faulty  teaching or learning methods; (iii)physical factors eg. physical development or defects, sensory defects or general ill health; (iv)mental factors especially attitude; (v)emotional and social factors such as instincts, emotions, cooperation or rivalry;(vi)teachers personality; (vii)environmental factors for example, physical conditions at home or place of study. These factors go some way to identifying what may affect the way in which study skills can be learned and used effectively and of course many more could be mentioned too such as cultural and economic factors. In conclusion, effective study skills are vital for the development and continuing success in the education of an individual. However, the successful learning and implementation of these skills can be so heavily influenced by an abundance of outside factors, that it would be difficult to ultimately say that effective study skills are the sole foundation of a sound education. References Cottrell, S. (2013). The Study Skills Handbook, 4th Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke Mondal, P. (2014). 21 March 2014 Taylor, D (January 2014). Factors That influence Student Learning,, 21 March 2014 20 March 2014

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cosmetic Advertisements People Essay

Cosmetic Advertisements People believe cosmetic products are the answers to facial perfection. This often happens because cosmetic advertising creates an illusion that cosmetic products are the source to real beauty. People that are trying to fill that void in their lives took towards cosmetic products to fill the void. People follow cosmetic advertisements in learning that one can achieve true beauty using makeup. Cosmetic advertisements teach that the more cosmetic products a person can wear the more beautiful a person will be. Cosmetic advertisements create an allusion of what real beauty is through lipstick, eyeliners, elongated eyelashes, eye shadows, powder puffs and other cosmetic products. Cosmetic advertisements teach the pursuit of these items will lead to the desired facial appearance that people believe they should have. The truth to this myth is that beauty cannot be determined by the use of cosmetic products because every individual was born beautiful. Still people are naive to the fact that one’s beautiful from birth and they buy what cosmetic advertisements are selling beauty to be. Cosmetic advertisements aim is to demonstrate that one is not beautiful without the use of cosmetic products. One cause of this myth is because it appears that people are at their happiest when they are wearing new mascara or are modeling the newest eyeliner. Cosmetic Advertisements portray that if people want excitement in life people should wear cosmetics. Cosmetic advertisements broadcast how one looks with makeup on. This is telling the public what people are suppose to look like. With examples of societies’ expectations of people; if one fulfills societies’ expectations, then one’s life becomes exciting if one wears makeup. Cosmetic advertisements display how one will have face like Barbie. People now want to become Barbie. â€Å"The power of advertising is indisputable† ( Leslie Ware xii). Cosmetic advertisements have become ideal for what beauty is supposed to be. It no longer is that people wanted to embrace ones natural look, but it come to the point where people now wear cosmetics to bed. People start going out of their way to obtain the necessity to achieve cosmetic beauty; buying expensive makeup, exhaust one’s credit or carrying a cosmetic bag every where one goes. Many people lose understanding of what facial beauty is and make cosmetics their source of beauty. Morals that used to be important in life changed. Generations are losing the value of self appreciation because cosmetic advertising make natural beauty seem pointless to embrace. To enhance one’s beauty a person has to use makeup. As a result people are losing knowledge on how to embrace one’s self without the use of cosmetics. The impact of cosmetic advertisements changed the way people are looking at themselves in recent generations because cosmetic advertisements broadcasting the need for nonessential items that people desire in order to obtain the perfect look, a desirable appearance, rather than the need for items that are essential for life. Regardless if one has the money or not the common belief is for people to have a flawless look achievable with the use of cosmetic products only. Nowadays before children can even say their name correctly they are being introduced to cosmetic products. Young teenagers now persuade their parents in allowing them to wear makeup as cosmetic will catapult their ordinary facial appearance to that of a Barbie. Cosmetic gives teenagers adult appearances if applied properly. Cosmetic advertisements aim to convince society that one cannot function properly without the use of cosmetic products; therefore, cosmetic advertisement affect people by showing what a person should look like and one is inferior if does not undergo the cosmetic metamorphosis. Cosmetic advertisers like Proactiv and Covergirl display compelling messages to sell their cosmetic products. They offer special deals and discounts for more people to purchase their products. These cosmetic advertisements show endless testimonials of their products effectiveness influencing people on the certainty of their bottle beauty. â€Å"Advertisements are more than just appeals to buy; they are windows into our psyches and our culture. They reveal our values, our (not-so-hidden) desires, our yearnings for a different lifestyle† (Six Decades of Advertising 537). Without meaningful standard by which to measure one’s worth, people turns to cosmetic advertisements for affirmation. Cosmetic Advertisements uses makeup as a way of showing what people should look like. Wearing cosmetics show people having flawless faces or immaculate appearances that are perceived to be of utmost importance. Purchasing and wearing these cosmetics are ways of proving to people that one is complete. Cosmetic advertisement send the message that the more cosmetics a person have on the better they are and a way of showing they are more of value than those without. The more time and the more money people spend on cosmetics or makeup make them higher on the list of facial perfection. Cosmetic advertisements prominently attract the wealthy or the ones with low self esteem. People with low self esteem uses cosmetic products to enhance one’s self esteem to be considered as one with an A-list face. Wealthy people with excess money can obtain unlimited makeup and are on the A-list for facial appearance. The ones who cannot purchase unlimited cosmetics to acquire complete facial perfection haven’t made it and are still on the search for such perfection. Despite the fact, cosmetic advertisements always trying to attain more people in favor of cosmetic products; therefore, according to these advertisements people who do not wear cosmetics are considered D-list for facial appearance. As such this becomes people’s constant battle for more cosmetic products because the more makeup someone has the better ranked that person is. In actuality having the best cosmetic or most expensive makeup does not make a person better than another or mean that a person is complete. In actuality these cosmetic advertisements have not accomplished anything of value to benefit the world. Instead they are telling people how unattractive and incomplete they are without the use of makeup. Cosmetic advertising has developed and supported great industries, increased entire economies, and increase the job market. Cosmetic companies such as Proactiv, Maybelline, Clean and Clear, L’oreal and much more, have thousands of employees, vehicles and equipments which contributes to the economic well been. Nevertheless, many people of today’s society are under high stress. They may seem publicly confident but secretly they feel a sense of failure, vulnerability, exhaustion, being overwhelmed, and defeat by society. Apart of being naturally unattractive is the acceptance that, in fact, our age will catch up to us and one will become old. This cause many people to succumb to a state of total and utter depression. Beauty advertising companies hone into these vulnerable feelings and promote their products as though it is a cure for all physical and emotional ailments of human being. Hair dye, creams and wrinkle minimizing makeup are only the start to how far people will go to appear beautiful or young again. Cosmetic Advertisements also portray women as sex objects and define what is popular and what is the â€Å"perfect look†. â€Å"When it comes to cosmetics, advertisements sell very well. Who wouldn’t want skin like Uma Thompson or Queen Latifah as it appears in the plentiful adds of women’s magazines glowing and unlined, without a pimple, crease, or freckle in sight? The desire is even sharper today because women feel younger than their calendar years, and they want to look as good as they feel. † ( Daniel B. Yarosh 31). Modern consumer culture has linked sexuality with beauty to the extent that they cannot be separated. Today, one cannot turn on the television, open a magazine or walk down a public street without being bombarded with images of seductive women or perfectly toned men being used to sell various types of cosmetic products. Why are these images so powerful? These advertising strategies create a desire. How do cosmetic advertisements shape and define the self-concept of both men and women? How does linking beauty with sexuality and desirability influence the way one relates to each advertisement? Finally, Cosmetic Advertisements portray that the void people feel in their lives can be filled through the use of makeup. People loose what happiness is and let Cosmetic Advertisements sell cosmetic happiness. Cosmetic Advertisements are showing people how they should be spending the money they are making in order to obtain beauty. People who do not wear cosmetics are considered to be the losers and the people who wear cosmetics are considered to be the winners. One’s accomplishment should not be judged by how fancy a person’s makeup is or how much cosmetics one has on but by how much a person contributes towards society. Cosmetics products are ultimately dominating people’s lifestyle. Works Cited Laurence and Rosen. â€Å"Six Decades of Advertising† Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 11th Edition. Ed Laurence and Rosen. Boston: Longman, 2011: 538. Print. pg 538. Academic Research Completed. 08 Aug. 2013. Daniel B. Yarosh. â€Å" Skin† The New Science of Perfect Skin. New York: Broadway book, 2008: 31. Print. Academic Work Completed. 10 Aug. 2013. Leslie Ware. â€Å"Introduction† Selling It. New York: Norton, 2002: xii. Print. Academic Work Completed. 11 Aug. 2013.